You are currently viewing REASONS TO HIT THE GYM DURING SUMMER


Summer is a time for all sorts of activities, but getting sweaty in the summer heat can be challenging. If you’re looking to get your sweat on this season, we have some suggestions! Whether it’s cycling or hiking up mountains during your lunch break or hitting the gym after work, there are plenty of ways to stay healthy and active all year round no matter what climate you live in. And before you try anything new at the gym (or any other workout class) make sure that they offer options for people with disabilities-nothing should hold us back from our fitness goals. Hit us up if you want more information about how accessibility works at different gyms around town!

This is not to say that you shouldn’t make time for physical activity during the summer. There are plenty of reasons to hit the gym this season, and we hope these have been helpful in your decision-making process. We know what it feels like when a diet or exercise routine gets derailed by an unexpected event—it can be so easy to lose focus on our goals. But there’s no need! Even if you only have 10 minutes available each day, adding small increments will go a long way towards achieving any number of fitness goals. And remember, just because it’s hot outside doesn’t mean you need to sweat all over the place at home with nobody watching.

1 – Functional fitness gear all in one place

We know that you’re busy and sometimes it feels like there is never enough time in the day to get everything done. With a private gym membership, your schedule becomes more flexible because all of your fitness needs are met under one roof – no need for running errands or wasting time on transportation! The training zones at our facilities are designed for progressive, playful training that targets cardio and strength with cutting-edge equipment such as Kinesis Walls, Tomahawk spin bikes, and Woodway treadmills. That means we have something to offer everyone from beginner exercisers through elite athletes. Plus, if you ever feel stuck or want some fresh ideas on how to stay motivated during those tough times when getting up off the couch.

If you’re looking for a professional, functional fitness experience that puts the needs of your body first and foremost with cutting-edge equipment in an environment designed to help you get stronger every day, then look no further than our facility. We offer training zones that are perfect for cardio or strength workouts, all under one roof. Our team is here to help answer any questions about how we can assist you on your journey towards health and well-being.

2 – Gym members are more active in general

A study in the journal Plos One found that members of fitness clubs were 14 times more aerobically active than people who didn’t belong to clubs. Members did six hours more exercise a week (on average), had lower heart rates, smaller waistlines, and better cardiovascular fitness. Even if you mix up gym days and outdoor training, a club membership in the first place will make you more likely to exercise. With all these benefits for health and wellbeing at stake- not to mention how great it feels when we take time out from our daily routine for something good – it doesn’t seem like such an extravagant luxury after all!

Studies have shown that fitness club members are generally more active in their daily lives. These studies show that even if you mix up gym days and outdoor training, a club membership is likely to make you exercise more often than not. We can help you find the right type of fitness for your lifestyle by looking at what clubs work best with your schedule or budget.

3 – Stay on track and injury-free

You can stay on track and injury-free by taking your fitness routine to the gym. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just trying to get in shape, a summer workout at a local gym is an excellent way of staying healthy while enjoying fun activities outside with friends and family. Qualified professionals will help ensure that all equipment is clean and safe for use before your workout session begins – so there’s no need to worry about being stuck doing crunches on dirty mats! All this comes without any downtime from work because gyms are open late into the evening. For more information, browse our site for details on what we have available. We hope it helps you decide which option suits you best!

It’s summer, and that means it’s time to enjoy the outdoors. But don’t forget about your health! If you’re not a regular gym-goer but still want to stay fit this season, there are plenty of ways for you to get in shape without breaking a sweat. One way is by taking advantage of all the perks at your local fitness center like our state-of-the art equipment and dedicated training spaces – plus we offer discounted memberships during the warmer months so you can affordably achieve your athletic goals without sacrificing convenience or comfort. So make an appointment with us today before it gets too hot out (or risk injury!)