You are currently viewing SEPTEMBER RESET


It’s easy to let fitness slip in the summer — especially in a post-pandemic world, where we’re more restricted to travel, and the safest place to be has felt, at times, our loyal sofa. But don’t worry! You can reset your clock (literally) and start implementing a solid training routine whenever you wish. There are tons of resources out there that will get you back on track after vacation with no sweat or tears involved. With just some time spent searching for what’s best for you, it’ll soon feel like it never even happened. What do you think? Ready to get back into shape?

It’s easy to let fitness slip in the summer — especially in a post-pandemic world, where we’re more restricted to travel, and the safest place to be has felt, at times, our loyal sofa. But guess what? Your body doesn’t care whether it’s New Year’s Day or a random autumnal morning. You can reset the clock and start implementing a solid training routine whenever you wish. I know this because I may have done just that last week when my family took an impromptu vacation! Read on for tips about how to stay fit during your next vacay…

If you’ve spent the last few weeks of summer lounging around on vacay, don’t worry. You can get back into shape without even breaking a sweat! All it takes is some time and dedication to your fitness routine; whether that means hitting the gym or simply committing to 10 minutes of stretching each day. It may seem like an uphill battle at first, but with perseverance (and maybe this list of tips!), you will be able to reset your body clock for success in no time. We wish you all the best in getting back into shape after vacation—we can’t wait to see what progress awaits when we catch up again next month!


Science is on your side this September. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with negative news, it’s important to take time for yourself and reset after the summer months. This means that you should shake off any unwanted habits, get back into fitness routine, and move into the next quarter of the year with a fresh outlook! Ready? We can help you do just that- so let us know if you need assistance in getting started or want more information about our services. The science behind having an effective September Reset is simple – finish on high by following these 5 steps today!

September is a temporal landmark. You can relegate any passages of time where you’ve been less active or healthy to the summer, otherwise known as the ‘fresh start effect’. Starting again in September helps you lean into your goals by kickstarting more aspirational habits and importantly forgiving yourself for slacking off in previous months. Your first step to a September reset? Shake-off unwanted habits, get back into fitness routine, and move onto the next quarter with an outlook that will help you meet your goals! Ready?


That’s it! Many well-intended plans to get healthier fail because they never had a goal. You can keep saying you’ll start next week, then the next, then never actually get round to it. So, to ease you in gently, write down everything you want to feel by establishing a new training regime – your ‘why’. Really visualise your goals: do you want to run your first 5K? Lose an inch from your waist? Or simply be able to climb the stairs at work without losing your breath? If you can imagine yourself doing the positive goals that are most important for you now and devote yourself getting there with minimal distraction or procrastination then chances are good.

If you’ve never set a clear goal for yourself, it can be hard to know where to start. To help make things easier, try these steps. First, write down everything you want your new training regime to do for you; what are the goals that motivate and inspire you? Then visualise how achieving those goals will feel in the future–do they give you more energy or lead to other positive outcomes like being able to get up the stairs at work without losing your breath? Finally establish when and how often (or long) each workout should take place so that this becomes part of your daily routine. You may find it helpful to remind yourself of why setting this goal is important by reading over your list every day before.

In order to make a plan actually work, you need to set a goal. When you establish your goals and see them in your mind’s eye as if they have already happened, it will motivate you more than any other factor. If the idea of setting a clear goal is intimidating or overwhelming for you at this time, we can help! Our team has helped many people create plans that are realistic and achievable with our expertise in nutrition & exercise science. We would love to partner with you on designing an individualized health program that helps meet all of your needs.