You are currently viewing 10-MIN FUNCTIONAL CARDIO WORKOUT


If you want to jump-start your fitness routine and get ready for the summer, this 10-minute functional cardio workout is a great place to start. With only 3 exercises, it’s easy too fit into your schedule! The goal of the session is to do as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes with 4 reps each round. You will complete one set of jumping squats, 2 sets of Russian sit ups, and 1 set of dumbbell hang power cleans before moving on to the next exercise. This workout can be done anywhere because all you need are some weights (or any object that weighs around 5 pounds) or an exercise mat if needed. It doesn’t take long either—you could easily squeeze this.

The 10-minute functional cardio workout is perfect for those of you who are short on time, but still want to get in a good sweat session. So if you need something quick and painless to help keep your fitness routine fresh, try this workout out next time! And don’t forget that it’s important to mix up the exercises every now and then so as not to overuse any one muscle group or joint. If you’re looking for more routines like this one, check out our blog post about 10 easy workouts under 30 minutes each!”


Squats are an essential part of any fitness routine. But when they get tough, it’s time to mix things up. This blog post will show you how to do a scary burpee over mat! You’ll be surprised at how much more your body will burn when you add this move in with the traditional squat! The first step is to start by jumping as high as possible and land softly on the ground. Next, push yourself back up into the air and return back down onto that soft surface again (without letting your hands or feet touch). Repeat these steps for 30 seconds straight before resting for 2 minutes and repeating once more.

For those who are new to exercise, the burpee is a popular move that can be done anywhere. It’s also one of the most challenging exercises because it requires you to do a lot in a short amount of time: squat down and place your hands on the ground, jump up and touch your toes, then push yourself back into starting position. The scariest part? Burpees always end with an audible “burp” as you release air after jumping up high enough. If you’re still looking for ways to get fit without breaking too much of a sweat or wanting to break out into hives from running sprints every day, we’ve got just what you need!
Jumping squats are an easy way to get in some.

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart. Engage the core and set the shoulders slightly.
  • Quickly bend the knees and hips to a squat position as you bend your arms.
  • As soon as you hit the lowest spot, rapidly extend the hips and extend the arms to straighten the body and perform a small jump. 
  • Keep the core tight and remain balanced as you land, allowing the knees and hips to bend slightly to absorb the force. 
  • Repeat for reps or time. 

Note: if you need to downscale this exercise, perform regular squats.


It’s not uncommon to see someone doing a burpee over a mat. It is, however, uncommon to see someone do it with their back completely arched and their feet touching the ground. It may seem easy for some people but for others this move can be very challenging. The scary burpee over mat is one of many difficult exercises that are part of Russian sit-ups training system which was created by Pavel Tsatsouline in the 1990s. This blog post will cover what you need to know about how to perform this exercise properly so you can reap all the benefits!

The Burpee Over Mat is one of the most challenging exercises out there. It requires immense endurance and willpower, but it also builds strength in your core, back, arms and legs – all without any equipment! The exercise starts by laying down on your mat with your feet together. Next you need to bring both of your knees up so that they are touching. After this point you will perform a push-up position where both hands touch the ground while keeping the rest of the body straight (no hunching). Finally jump or “Burpee” over to push up position on other side of mat. And that’s it! You can start doing these as many times as you want until you are done for today or take a break for now.

  • Start in a supine position, with your legs bent and your feet on the floor hip-width apart. 
  • Grab a dumbbell with both hands horizontally, stretching your arms. That’s your starting position.  
  • Engage the core and perform a full sit-up, bringing your arms overhead. 
  • Return to the starting position, with your core engaged all the time, and repeat. 


The dumbbell hang power clean is an exercise that combines a “hang” position with the explosive move of a power clean. It’s important to master the form and technique before you add resistance, so this article will teach you how to do it safely and effectively.
Professional tone used in blog post intro paragraph: The author uses professional tone because she speaks in an authoritative voice, using third person point of view when referring to herself as well as using words like “it’s,” which demotes personal opinions on the matter.

  • Grab two dumbbells and rest them over your shoulder. 
  • Engage the core and maintain your back straight. That’s your start position. 
  • Deadlift the dumbbells between your legs into a hang position. 
  • Then, extend your hips and legs quickly, returning to the start position. 
  • Repeat.