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This blog post is for those of you who are looking to take your workout to the next level. We all know that burpees are a killer exercise, but they don’t have to be! In this article, I will teach you how to do them properly and give you some tips on how to make it easier.
I want my readers to feel empowered by their workouts and not intimidated by them. So whether you’re just starting out or already at an advanced level, this article will help!

It’s true that burpees are intense, but they’re also an excellent full-body workout. For those of you who want to take your exercise routine to the next level and build muscle mass, burn fat, and get in shape fast; we’ve got a little something for you: The “Scary Burpee Over Mat”. This is a variation on the typical burpee exercise where rather than jumping back up at the end like usual, you jump over a mat (or other obstacle) and land with both hands on top of it. It sounds easy enough right? Wrong! “The Scary Burpee Over Mat” will leave your heart racing from just one set! If this isn’t enough motivation then go ahead and try it

So you’re looking to get a good full-body workout in but don’t want to make it too hard? No problem, I have the perfect exercise for you. This is a scary burpee over mat. It’s only two steps and only requires one mat. The “scary” part comes from how high up your hands are when you jump off the ground, making it seem like you’re going much higher than what actually happens. You can start this exercise with or without a push up plank position at the end of each rep if that makes it easier for beginners! The whole point is to work out all your muscles so try doing 3 sets of 10 reps! Remember: always listen to your body and never push past pain points unless instructed.


Ever since I started working out from home, I have been trying to find a way to do burpees without my kids or husband watching me.  I would hear them laughing as soon as they heard the dreaded “burp” noise and knew what was coming next!   But today, after years of trial and error, I found the perfect solution: the scary burpee over mat.  It’s like a regular burpee but with one small adjustment that makes all the difference (and keeps me motivated)!

When you workout from home it can be difficult to find equipment that will help with your routine. If you’re looking for a mat that is long and wide enough to do an exercise such as the burpee, then this blog post is just what you need! I’ll go over some of my favorite mats and why they are so great.


When it comes to working out, everyone has their favorite moves. For some people, that might be the bicep curl or maybe even the plank. But for others, there is one exercise that takes first place: The Burpee. It’s a move that works on strength and cardio all at once, which makes it great for burning off those extra calories during your workout or just getting in better shape overall. This article will show you how to do an Over mat Burpee correctly so you can start seeing results fast!

10 reps on each side

  • Place your feet wide apart with your knees slightly bend and your upper body straight, and grab a suitably weighted dumbbell. This will be the starting position. 
  • While holding the dumbbell between your legs, slowly squat down towards one side.
  • Your knees should not surpass your toes by a lot.  
  • Push yourself back up and repeat for the desired rep range on both sides.


You might not think of weightlifting as a cardio workout, but it can be. One great way to incorporate weights into Conclusion paragraph: With 10 reps of the dumbbell swing, you can get a full-body workout that will help improve your posture and burn calories. If you’re looking for an exercise to do at home or in between sets while weight training, this is it! The accompanying video demonstrates how to perform these swings correctly; make sure not to forget about form because improper technique could lead to injury. Just remember – keep your spine neutral throughout the movement with flexible hips, knees and ankles (not locked). Feel free to go heavier than what’s demonstrated if harder intensity is desired. Remember that higher reps are better for toning muscles while lower rep ranges are best for increasing muscular strength. Which exercises have helped tone up your body? What other tips would you.


The Arnold Press is a great exercise for toning the arms and upper body. Follow these steps to do 10 reps of this move that will help you target your biceps, shoulders and back muscles. Start by grabbing two dumbbells and stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Engage the core and set the shoulders. Slowly squat down, pushing the knees outwards so they remain over the toes. Hold this position during the 10 Arnold press reps while rotating your palms so that they face forward. Then push your arms over head until you’ve extended both arms above head height before returning slowly back to starting position again.”


Our 10 rep leg and arm toning exercise will not only give you a stronger, more sculpted physique but it will also help to increase your strength. To do this exercise, stand with feet hip-width apart holding one dumbbell in each hand at shoulder level; keep the shoulders set and core engaged. Take a step back with the leg on the side where you’re holding the dumbbell and bend down towards the floor aiming for both knees to bend to 90 degrees comfortably (don’t let them go past). While doing this press up over head extending arms fully then return to starting position. For best results repeat 10 times on each leg. This is an easy way that anyone can get into shape quickly!


The Renegade Row Into Push-Up is a great workout for your back, shoulders and arms while also strengthening the core. If you want to add some variety into your routine or just need something new to try this week, we recommend giving it a shot. And don’t worry if these exercises seem too difficult at first; with practice they become more manageable and before long will be second nature! You can find all 10 of these renegade row variations on our website in order from easiest to most challenging so there should be one that feels doable no matter what level you are starting out at. What other exercise moves have been coming up short lately? Let us know below!


A good way to get in some exercise is with plank toe touches. We all know that sitting for long periods of time can be bad on our bodies, but this little workout doesn’t take much time at all and it’s a great way to strengthen your core while also getting an awesome stretch! Give these two exercises 10 reps each side today before you sit down again so you don’t have any regrets later on when life starts catching up with you.

That’s it, 10 reps each side. This is a great exercise for your core and arms. The plank to toe touch can be done at home or in the gym when you need something quick that will tone up your body quickly! For more exercises like this one, sign up today on our website. You don’t want to miss out on any of these informative blog posts about fitness!


The 10 reps sit-up will strengthen your abdominal muscles, which are essential for core stability and back support. You can do this exercise with or without weight. If you choose to use weights, start out light so that the focus remains on form rather than how heavy it feels in your hands. Incorporate these exercises into a workout routine three times per week and see results quickly! Which of these exercises have you tried?

Did you know that if you do 10 reps, it’s the same as doing 100? But what about 500 or 1000 reps. Wouldn’t those be equivalent to 5000 and 10000 respectively? In this case yes! If your goal is to tone up quickly without building bulk, then all you need are a few minutes of these simple exercises. They’re called “In-N-Out” because they work both sides of your body in one move!