You are currently viewing 15-MIN CORE AND SHOULDERS WORKOUT


In just 15 minutes, you can do a quick workout that will challenge your core and shoulders. This is an intense session with only 2 exercises but repeated 5 times on each side of the body for 10 rounds total. The most effective way to build muscle or strength is through high repetitions so this type of superset training system has been proven to be very successful in building upper body muscles. If you want even more information about what we have going on at our gym, give us a call! We’ll answer any questions you may have and help get you started as soon as possible. Who knows? You might find yourself trying out one of these new workouts before September 13th 2021!

We all know that the benefits of exercise are endless. And this month, we will prove that it can also be a valuable asset if you’re building upper body strength. In a quick but intense session with just 2 exercises that you will perform for 5 rounds, you’ll get the chance to work on those upper body muscles. Especially, because you’ll repeat 10 times on each side. These are supersets, meaning that only when you finish one exercise you can move to the next one. And this is actually the most effective way to build muscle and strength: with a lot of repetitions of the same exercises!

The exercises in this workout are designed to hit the whole of your upper body, so don’t skip any of them. You can do it at home without equipment if you have a chair and a bench or some steps for pushups. We recommend doing it twice per week on non-consecutive days for best results. Happy training!


If you don’t have the equipment originally needed for this workout, you can substitute it with these everyday items or use these alternative exercises. For example, a plyo box (or stable chair) and pillow can be used in place of an exercise bench! You may also find that some other household items will work too; like using your couch as resistance when doing push-ups or lunges. No matter how much space you have available to get active at home, there are always options for getting fit without buying new gear! Working out from home? No problem!

If you don’t have the equipment originally needed for this workout, you can substitute it with these everyday items or use these alternative exercises.

Alternative equipment

  • Plyo box = a couch or a stable chair with a pillow for support


This is a great exercise to try in your office break room or at home. After work, you can do this 10 reps on each side walk-to-plank combo for an intense core workout that will improve your posture and strengthen the muscles around your spine. Remember to keep both feet flat on the floor when performing this move—and don’t forget to switch sides! Have you tried it yet? Find out more about our newest challenge here!

If you’re looking for a workout that will help strengthen your core, back and arms while also increasing flexibility in the legs this is it. We recommend starting with 10 reps on each side before moving to more advanced variations of plank walk to pike. Be sure to stretch after every 2-3 sets so as not to hurt yourself! Which variation are you most excited about? Let us know below or visit our blog post for even more exercises like these!

10 reps on each side

  • Start by putting your feet on the Plyo box, hands at shoulder-width in the floor, at a 90º degree angle. 
  • Keep your legs and arms straight. That’s your starting position.
  • Walk with your hands forward until your body is in a straight line. Then, come back to the starting position. 
  • Use the right hand first to help you move forward. That’s one rep. 
  • Perform 10 reps with your right hand before changing to your left.


The Box Pike Shoulder Taps is a great way to work your arms, shoulders and chest. You’ll also feel the burn in your core muscles as you hold this pose for 10 reps. Start by placing both feet on top of the box with hands shoulder-width apart on the floor at about 90 degrees to each other (straight) like we showed earlier. Slowly raise one hand up to touch the opposite shoulder while keeping everything else still; make sure not to let anything move or shake! Perform 5 sets before finishing off with some stretches–you’ll be glad you did once it’s all over.

This is a great workout for your shoulders and upper back. Perform 10 reps with each hand, 5 rounds before finishing the workout to tone and tighten these muscles that are often strained from working long hours at a desk or computer. If you want more information on how to perform box pike shoulder taps correctly, we’ve included an instructional video below. For other workouts like this one, check out our blog post about plyometric training!

10 reps on each side

  • Again, start by putting your feet on the Plyo box, hands at shoulder-width on the floor, at a 90º degree angle. 
  • Keep your legs and arms straight. That’s your starting position.
  • Slowly raise your right hand and touch your left shoulder. 
  • Perform 10 reps with each hand, 5 rounds before finishing the workout.