You are currently viewing 30-MIN FULL-BODY HALLOWEEN WORKOUT


This Halloween, you don’t need to rely on sugar and carbs for energy during your long night of trick-or-treating. This 30 minute full body workout will give you enough energy to get through the spooky night without feeling like a zombie in the morning.
This is what we do: – 5 min cardio warmup (jumping jacks, high knees) – 20 squats with one arm row per side x 3 sets; 10 lunges per leg with bicep curls x 3 sets; 12 alternating dumbbell front raises x 3 sets; 15 pushups on toes or bench press variation x 2 sets each side; 10 dips or bench dip variations x 2 set each side.

The Halloween season is upon us, and it’s time to start getting in the spooky spirit. This year, why not get your workout on with this full-body 30-minute routine? The trickiest part of any fitness program is finding the motivation to keep up with it, but setting aside just 30 minutes a day can make all the difference. All you need for this quick workout are some dumbbells (or soup cans), your body weight, and some space!
It’s never too late to be healthy or sexy! Fitness has many benefits like improving mood and sleep quality; lowering blood pressure; reducing inflammation; increasing insulin sensitivity; boosting energy levels; strengthening bones and muscles; decreasing joint pain .

October is around the corner and that means it’s time to get ready for Halloween! To start off your month of spooks, ills, and frights, we have a quick 30-minute workout just in time for you to pump up some muscles before carving out your favorite pumpkin. This workout will focus on full body strength training exercises with an emphasis on compound movements. The goal here is not only to build muscle but also burn fat so be sure to push yourself when lifting weights or sprinting. Ready? Let’s go!


The Devil Press is a unique and beneficial variation of the barbell bench press that should be included in your chest workout routine. The exercise works to develop strength, size, and symmetry by placing more focus on the upper pectorals than other variations of the bench press.
The Devil Press can also be used as an effective way to improve shoulder stability and mobility. It will help you become stronger at performing standard push-ups because it allows you to better engage your scapulae retractors (muscles around the scapula). This helps keep your shoulders safe during intense training sessions. You can use this exercise either as a main movement or as an accessory lift following traditional flat or incline barbell presses for greater muscle stimulation.

The Devil Press was originally a tool used to strengthen shoulders, triceps and chest muscles. It has since been modified from its original form in order to improve the effectiveness of this workout.
Incorporating the devil press into your routine will allow you to increase strength in both arms and shoulders while also increasing endurance for these muscle groups.  This exercise can be performed anywhere with a barbell or dumbbells that have been loaded with weight plates.  The only other equipment required is an adjustable bench that allows for incline work or decline work depending on which angle you choose during execution of this movement.  Make sure you get yourself set up properly before beginning!

  • Place two dumbbells on the floor roughly your shoulder-width apart from each other. 
  • Engage the core and perform a slow burpee to grab the handles of each dumbbell. Your chest should touch the floor. 
  • Jump explosively to your feet, never taking your hands from the dumbbells, and snatch them from the floor. 
  • Finish the move by locking them over your head, with your body fully stretched. 
  • From there, and while holding the dumbbells, get back on the floor for a burpee and repeat. 


The deadlift is one of the most important exercises for athletes. The deadlift requires you to pick up a heavy weight from the ground and work all your major muscle groups. It can also be an extremely dangerous exercise if done improperly, so it’s best that you have a spotter or at least some way to minimize risk. If you’ve been avoiding doing them because they just don’t seem safe, then this article will help ease those fears! We’ll give you tips on how to properly perform these lifts as well as explain why it’s so essential in today’s world of fitness and sports.

This blog post is written by professional writers who are experts in their field of study and provide valuable information through their writing.

  • Standing up proud, hold two dumbbells in each arm. 
  • Now, bend forward until your upper body is almost parallel to the ground. Your back should remain under tension/straight throughout the motion.  
  • Row the dumbbells up and down. Bend your elbows and retract your shoulder blades. 
  • With your arms returned to the lower position, raise your upper body back up. 


The burpee is an exercise that is usually used to measure endurance. The burpee consists of a squat, jumping in the air, and then lying face down on the ground. It takes one minute for this exercise to be completed and it can also be done with other variations like pushups or jump squats. The scary part about doing these exercises are all the gasps you hear when you complete them because they are so difficult!

The burpee is a high intensity exercise that’s been called the “widow maker” or “exercise from hell.” It may be one of the toughest workouts you’ll ever do. The move has you start by standing tall, then squat down and place your hands on the ground. Next, jump your feet back so they’re about as wide as your shoulders and quickly push up to stand tall again. Then return to starting position and repeat for as many reps as possible in 30 seconds.
The scary part? You can’t stop until 60 seconds are up! That means if there’s a pause mid-move – like when breathing hard – it counts as an incomplete rep: no breaks allowed! As if this isn’t already enough motivation.

  • Stand tall, parallel to the mat and engage the core.
  • Begin the movement by quickly bending down, reaching the hands towards the floor in front of the feet. As you do this, simultaneously jump, bringing your legs back and land on the floor in a push-up position.
  • Drive the hips up rapidly and jump into a squat position. 
  • Then, in a single movement, explosively jump over the mat while returning to the upright position. 
  • Repeat. 


This blog post will be about how to do a Spider Crawling Push-up. This is one of the most difficult push ups you can find in the book “The New Rules of Lifting for Women.” The Spider Crawler Push Up is not only physically challenging but also requires balance and coordination. I will go over how to do this push up step by step, with detailed images so that you know exactly what your body should be doing during each phase of the movement. I hope you enjoy reading!

Everyone’s heard of the burpee, but have you ever tried a spider crawling push-up? This is an exercise that might seem easy at first, but after about five reps it can get pretty hard. The great thing about this exercise is that it forces your whole body to work together to complete the move. It also helps build upper-body strength in your shoulders and arms by lifting weights off the ground for each repetition. See how many you can do!

  • Look for soft ground (in the gym, we use the synthetic turf area) and set up in the starting position of a push-up. Your body should be very stable. 
  • Now do a push-up by bending your arms and letting your elbows come slightly backwards towards your core. 
  • Once you have lowered your body to the ground, push yourself up explosively.  
  • Now crawl forward for about half a meter and repeat steps 1-3.