Testosterone Propionate 100mg/mL | 10ml or 20ml


Syntex Test Prop is the perfect product for athletes who want to use their bodybuilder lifestyle strategically. It’s an injectable steroid consisting of propionate hormones that are injected every two to three days. With this form, though, you can clear it from your system more quickly after stopping use- making them almost undetectable in tests!


Buy Testosterone Propionate 100mg/mL by Syntex with the injection schedule of every day or every other day, which is very advantageous for athletes that are drug tested.

If you’re looking for a more frequent injection schedule, Test Prop 100 by Syntex is a great option. From your first to last dose, blood levels will be as stable as possible, and the steroid can cleared from the body much more quickly. Taking advantage of this shorter life span speeds up recovery following cycle use.

Syntex Test Prop 100 is used in clinical treatment of male hypogonadism, delayed puberty, and breast cancer. The product was discontinued by Syntex sometime during the 1960’s but has recently resurfaced on the black market with its old formulation intact. Our limited supply for sale goes quickly due to limited stocks.


Testosterone is a strong steroid that promotes muscle and bone growth in both men and women. The acetate ester, Propecia, helps combat the effects of Dihydrotestosterone-Male Pattern Baldness in males and may decrease levels in females by conversion to estradiols. Common results after 8 weeks: increased mass and strength gains when combined with weight training; less body fat loss when combined with caloric restriction; improved mood when combined with personal motivation.
Athletes subject to drug testing should not use this product for periods longer than 12 weeks because it can cause natural testosterone production suppression which decreases over time up an 18 week period, but doesn’t fully recover even after 5 years of discontinued use.

Propionate is a significantly shorter ester than Enathate, of which it shares the benefits. It’s faster acting and has less bloat associated with it. Propionate also converts to Testosterone quickly so athletes will have an easy time knowing how much they need on a daily basis. They can work out more frequently but be sure they inject enough Propionate so their blood levels stay stable!

Side Effects

The product does not need to be taken for more than 8 weeks at a time. It’s important that your physician is in touch with you during the entire process and both before and after, in order to maintain safety.
Opposite of what most people do when they think about testosterone, it actually has a very high level of estrogen conversion when taken by women due to hormonal manipulation though it is unknown how safe this use might cause long-term health issues such as breast cancer seizures and uterine tumors.
Testosterone also interferes with breakthrough bleeding so pills like clomid or Nolvadex can be used into abstaining from MMA training for 4 months while using Testosterone Propionate 100mg/mL | 20ml

Testosterone Propionate is the hormone manufacturer’s most potent testosterone for sale for men following a cycle of steroid use. The powerful effects weigh heavily on the user, so it’s not advised to be used by those who have never taken anabolic steroids before or do not have experience with hormones of this class.




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