You are currently viewing 35-MIN FULL-BODY STRENGTH WORKOUT


Strength training has so many benefits, and we want you to know about them. It’s not just for bodybuilders — it’s for everyone! We can help you get started with a free workout plan that includes three different workouts: one full-body workout, one ab focused workout, and one lower body focused workout. Just follow the instructions below on how to do each of these strength exercises safely and correctly in order to avoid injury. You’ll be glad you did!

Strength training has more to offer than just solid and lean muscles. It’s an excellent ally for people trying to lose weight, maintain their current weight, or simply stay healthy. Plus it benefits your heart and helps you improve balance. Sound like something that might be worth exploring? If so, we recommend the 35-MIN FULL-BODY STRENGTH WORKOUT routine below! Don’t forget to check out our other articles on exercise, fitness tips & tricks as well as nutrition advice if you’re looking for even more ways to live a healthier lifestyle!

Strength training is an excellent ally for people trying to lose and maintain weight. It benefits your heart, helps you improve balance, and it strengthens your bones and muscles. Plus, it’s an excellent ally for people who want a more toned body with less fat that can stand up against the effects of aging as well as serious illnesses such as osteoporosis or diabetes. But don’t just take our word for it — find out what strength training has done for others by reading about their personal stories below! What kind of sorcery is this? Just pure strength training, we reply. If you’re looking for a way to tone your arms and legs but think lifting weights is too intimidating.


If you’re looking for a way to get your heart rate up and burn some calories, this is it. This movement will also help strengthen the core muscles. It can be performed with an exercise band or dumbbells starting at 50 sec on, 10 sec off until desired reps are met. Try adding these into your routine 2-3 times per week after completing cardio workouts! Have you tried deadlifting into squats? What did you think of them?

The deadlift into squat is a compound weightlifting exercise that strengthens the back, glutes and hamstrings. It’s an effective way to tone your legs while also building strength in your core and engaging muscles throughout the body. If you want help learning how to do this movement or any other exercises, let us know! Our team of experts are ready and waiting for you at our fitness studio located near San Francisco. We offer personal training sessions as well as group classes so no matter what skill level you are at, there will be something for everyone on our schedule. Deadlifts are one of my favorite movements because they not only strengthen the lower half of the body but work out nearly every muscle in your upper body too!


The 50 sec on, 10 sec off exercise is a great way to strengthen your core and glutes as well as improve balance. If you’re looking for some quick exercises that can help tone those upper arms or work the abs, try this one out! All it takes is about 2 minutes of time to do these push-ups. Remember, don’t let the shoulders go past the wrists during any phase of this move. You may also want to vary where you place your hands for more variety in muscle activation. For instance, if doing standard push-ups seems too easy at first then switch up hand placement by interlocking fingers with palms facing each other—or even just use only one arm at a time.

PUSH-UP is an amazing exercise that can be done at home, in the office or even on vacation. It’s simple and effective for toning your arms, chest muscles, shoulders and abs! If you need some help with form check out this article by Healthline here. Start off doing 10 push-ups each day to see results quickly. We hope these tips have helped motivate you to get moving again because it makes us happy too!


The Goblet Squat is a more challenging variation of the traditional squat. We are all aware that squats are an excellent exercise for your glutes, thighs and core muscles, but this modified version has its perks too! You’ll be able to work on stabilizing balance while also maintaining proper form by keeping the dumbbell in place against your chest. If you want to take it up a notch or two, try doing these with one hand behind your back instead of both hands below the weight. This will require greater concentration and focus on posture. Now go get toned legs- just don’t forget about those abs!

The goblet squat is a great way to tone your lower body. As you stand tall and hold the dumbbell vertically, put it against your chest and keep it there throughout the whole movement. Squat down by bending at the knees until they are around 90 degrees from straight, making sure that you have a tight core and back upright as well as keeping one foot in front of the other for balance. Stand up again with strength on your feet during this move before repeating. Try these squats three sets of ten reps each day!


The CURL TO SHOULDER PRESS is a great way to work your biceps and triceps. Though this exercise seems simple, it can be very challenging if you do not have the correct technique or weights. With some practice, you will be able to perform this weight lifting move with ease. If you are looking for more advanced arm workouts that build strength, check out our blog post on how to CLOSE GRIP CHIN UPS FOR MAXIMUM MUSCLE BUILDING BENEFITS. Remember that these exercises should take up less than half of your total workout time; otherwise they will hinder muscle growth in other areas like back muscles! Are there any moves you would like us to cover?

The Curl to Shoulder Press is a challenging exercise that will help strengthen your biceps and triceps, as well as the muscles in your shoulders. This move also helps with rotator cuff support which can be an issue for those who do not use their arms or have been injured. If you are looking for more arm exercises, check out our blog post on how to tone different muscle groups of the upper body! What other workouts would you like us to explore?


The prolonged isometric contraction during the kettlebell swing activates your glutes and hamstrings, while also strengthening your core. You can do this workout anywhere with a set of weights in under 30 minutes! Give it a try today- you won’t regret it! If you are interested in learning more about how to effectively use kettlebells for fat loss or toning purposes, reach out to us at What types of exercises have you found most effective when using kettlebells?

If you’re looking for a total-body workout that will tone your entire body in just 20 minutes, then this kettlebell combo is perfect. You can do all of these exercises without any equipment and it doesn’t require much space so even if you have limited room at home, there should be enough to complete the whole routine. Plus it only takes about 50 seconds on with 10 second breaks in between each exercise which means you can maximize your time by doing a few sets! We hope we gave you some great ideas for how to get started toning up from head to toe. Remember, our team would love to help create an individualized fitness program tailored towards your needs or goals.


If you are looking for a workout routine that will help tone your upper body, strengthen your core and improve coordination, this is it. This is one of the most challenging exercises in our arsenal but also one of the best ways to challenge yourself with just two dumbbells. To perform this exercise properly, start by grabbing two heavy weights (dumbbells) over your shoulders then engage the lower abdominals and back muscles so they stay straight throughout all repetitions. Next, deadlifts the weight up between legs into what’s called “hang position” where both arms should be hanging down at sides holding onto weight or resting on hips if not using weights yet. Then extend hips quickly while lifting up through chest.

The deadlift is a compound exercise that builds strength and power, but it also works your core. A simple way to make the workout more challenging is by adding hang power cleans into the mix. Hang power cleans are like normal deadlifts except you pause at mid-shin level with the weight before performing an explosive overhead press of sorts. This makes for a great addition to any training routine because not only does this move target some needed muscle groups, it challenges stabilization muscles in your leg and core as well! So there you have it – one more tool in your back pocket when looking for ways to spice up your workouts or add them into new routines on days where full body exercises just aren’t cutting it anymore.